The Creative Workshop

Why not try handmaking memorable souvenirs from Cheung Chau Island by yourself?


Love Lock

Right opposite to The Creative Workshop is the one and only Love Lock Wall. In this unique place, which cannot be found anywhere else in Hong Kong, you can express your love and creativity on the Austrian-imported wooden heart-sharped love lock. All acrylic colours, painting materials and equipment are provided.

顏色繽紛的許願鎖,為長洲增添色彩。我們亦提供場地、顏料及畫具,讓顧客設計從奧地利木廠購入的心形木牌,打造獨一無二的Love Lock 。


Our in-house Henna artist, Charlotte Cheung tailor- makes patterns and wordings with the dyes. This temporary body art lasts for 5-10 days with the choice of white, brown or black dye. Come get one to look chic for your short vacation!

Henna是一種傳統手藝,具祝福之意,發展至今已成為潮流藝術。bnb The Creative Workshop由註場彩繪藝術畫家 Charlotte Cheung,設計各款別出心裁的圖案供顧客選擇,讓大家一起來體驗henna神秘的吸引力。